Everything and everyone can be regenerated
''If you have tried many different specialists, medications, surgeries and antibiotics and nothing has helped you, it is because you have never addressed the root cause of your problem. The root cause is systemic acidocis and backed up lymphatic system, no matter what the medical label. It is not mysterious diseases that we need to treat - it is our cells and tissues that we need to clean and strengthen.''

Remove the cause: Acidocis
The human body has to be alkaline. Wheat, all flesh, milk products, eggs, pulses, coffee, alcohol and refined sugar are acid-forming. Acids burn, destroy and dehydrate the lymphatic fluid, causing it to stop moving. The lymphatic fluid is our trash collection system which picks up acidic and destructive cellular waste. This waste has to be removed from the body and if it isn't it begins to cause tissue damage and weakness, giving rise to disease symptoms.
Fix the cause: Alkalize
Dis-ease, inflammation and pain can only arise in an acidic medium. As soon as the body receives alkaline chemistry, it begins to clean and regenerate. It's an involuntary process and a physiological law, but it can only happen in an alkaline environment. To reverse the damage of acids we must alkalize and we do that with man's natural diet - raw fruits and vegetables. The higher the fruit content the stronger and faster detoxification.
Fix Kidney Filtration
The kidneys are the filtration and exit points of the lymphatic system - they excrete the body's own cellular waste. However, for them to be able to filter this waste out, the lymphatic fluid must be hydrated and moving, and the kidneys must be strong. We re-hydrate and move the lymphatic fluid with raw food chemistry and use herbs in the form of teas, tinctures, capsules and essential oils to further clean and strengthen the kidneys.

The next bit
The endocrine glands are the bosses in our body telling everybody else what to do and they do it by secreting hormones, steroids, neurotransmitters and enzymes.
When they are down we experience a host of debilitating disease symptoms. Find out what your endocrine weaknesses are and target your herbs to make that specific tissue stronger. Never cut anything out or take synthetic hormones.